A little bit of everything

Life is short and with the fast paced life that we lead, we often forget the little things that make life worth living. We get caught up with everyday problems and we forget to enjoy life. 

So these are the little things that make up my life;

1.The Piano.Music.
"Life is like a piano, what you get out of it depends on how you play it"

My interest for music started when I was in primary school. Every evening, I would sit by the window in the living room just to get a glimpse of the girl from the opposite house, playing the piano, with so much passion. One day, my mother offered the chance to play the piano and since then, music became a major part of my life.

What better way to enjoy life than by treating yourself to good food every weekend
(So every superhero needs a sidekick.
This is Anwar, my most loyal partner in getting fat crime )

And below, is our list of favourites ;

I may not have the talent to cook but I do bake;


Since I was little, my mom used to buy a lot of books and we would have this little library at one corner of the house. I  particularly, love to read classics.