Usually, every girl dreams of the perfect fairy tale. To be married to prince charming and to live happily ever after. Unfortunately fairy tales only exist in books. In reality, you have to work hard to get what you want. Like my dad always joke with us kids, "If you want luxury, then work til 1am like me". Fact is, "You can't really live on love alone", says my mother.
So, for me I want to live an easy life in the future. Have a successful career that pays the bills and at the same time lets me have all the luxurious things that I want.
Hopefully one day I'll find somebody who will propose to me at the Wicklow National Park, Ireland just like in P.S. I Love You (;
Lastly, I want to be able to travel all around the world and go back to the places I've been, using my own money and not my dad's.